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Where to find Midas Jail Cell in Fortnite

Plus, how to investigate Midas' Jail Cell.

fortnite cerberus player facing midas jail cell
Image credit: Eurogamer/Epic Games

Finding Midas' Jail Cell in Fortnite and investigating its contents is one of the first Rise of Midas event quests you can do.

However, as with most things in Fortnite, it's a bit easier said than done - especially as its located in The Underworld and this area has been an extremely hot drop location lately. Also, if another player summons Hades, you'll have an extra challenge on your hands.

Without further ado, we're here to show you where to find Midas' Jail Cell in Fortnite and how to investigate it.

On this page:

Where to find Midas Jail Cell in Fortnite

You can find the Midas Jail Cell underneath Hade's Throne Room in The Underworld in Fortnite. You can find the location marked on the Fortnite map below:

fortnite the underworld map location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Epic Games

When you get to Hades' Throne Room in The Underworld, head out the exit behind the Throne (this is much easier if you don't challenge Hades). Then, once you're out the back here, turn around so that you're facing south. Use the compass at the top of your screen to help you, but you should be facing back towards the main building.

fortnite stairs beneath hades throne room
Image credit: Eurogamer/Square Enix

Here, you should now see some stairs leading down to a lower area beneath the Throne Room. Go down these stairs then look to your right. You should see a gold door here at the end of a small set of steps, this is the Midas Jail Cell.

fortnite cerberus player looking down at midas jail
Image credit: Eurogamer/Epic Games

You can also get to this location if you fall through the waterfall traps around the Throne Room. Simply look for the stairs leading upwards towards the main Throne area and they will lead you to the Midas Jail Cell level first.

If you do decide to challenge the God of The Underworld while you're in the area, then check out our how to beat Hades guide for a helping hand.

How to investigate Midas Jail Cell in Fortnite

To investigate Midas's Jail Cell you need to walk up to the three seperate items highlighted with blue diamond icons floating above them. Once you're facing an item, press and hold the indicated command that pops up on your screen to investigate it.

These are the items you need to investigate in Midas' Jail Cell:

  • The Door.
  • Reboot Card.
  • Handcuffs on the wall.
fortnite midas jail cell investigate reboot card prompt
Image credit: Eurogamer/Epic Games

That's it for now! If you're looking for more Fortnite content, check out our pages showing you where to find Midas, how to get Chains of Hades and our Scrying Pools locations page too.

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