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Watch two of the world's best fighting game pros play Street Fighter 5

Daigo and GamerBee duke it out.

Two of the world's best fighting game pros played a Street Fighter 5 exhibition match over the weekend - and a video of the fight is below.

At the Taipei Game Show Japanese fighting game legend Daigo "The Beast" Umehara (Ryu) played Taiwanese champion Bruce "GamerBee" Hsiang (Chun-Li) in an exhibition match designed to show off Street Fighter 5's gameplay.

The match was not live-streamed, but we have off-screen footage courtesy of EventHubs that shows us the best of three match.

What strikes me is the pace of the game - it seems slower than Street Fighter 4 - as well as the Omega state characters can trigger. In the match GamerBee initiates Omega Chun-Li and throws out fireball after fireball, which Daigo fails to deal with.

Capcom announced Street Fighter 5 at Sony's PlayStation Experience event in December 2014. It's due out for PlayStation 4 and PC. Sony has said PS4 "will be the only console this game ever appears on".

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