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Watch this Bloodborne player conquer From's latest without leveling up

Or using guns against bosses.

A dedicated Bloodborne player has bested From Software's latest sadistic horror adventure without leveling up.

YouTuber BOYvsVIDEOGAME has created a series of videos detailing his exploits through Yharnam and beyond with the "waste of skin" class, a character that begins at level four, the game's lowest possible level. The class description reads, "You are nothing. Talentless. You shouldn't have been born."

BOYvsVIDEOGAME maintains that this is his first playthrough, though he makes no claims about editing these videos because I'm sure it took him several attempt to conquer Bloodborne's fiendish bosses.

It's worth noting that BOYvsVIDEOGAME defeats all of the game's bosses, many of which are optional - and tricky to discover! As such, you may want to skip parts of his video series and come back later if you're intent on unearthing Bloodborne's many secrets yourself.

I've only embedded the relatively spoiler-free first part of BOYvsVIDEOGAME's series, but you can click here to see the entire playlist, which contains walkthrough videos on how to tackle the bosses at level four without using guns.

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