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Watch someone complete Dark Souls 3 on NG+7 without weapons

Another conquers From's latest without healing items.

Someone has bested all of Dark Souls 3's challenges on its hardest setting - i.e. the seventh New Game Plus playthrough - without using weapons.

Indeed, you can watch Twitch streamer TolomeoR brave the game's second half in the stream below. He finishes the run at around the 3.30 mark, so tune in there to watch the epic final confrontation with Dark Souls 3's final boss.

As far as the player's stats go, they're at Soul Level 196 with 90 points put into Strength, 80 in Dexterity, 40 into Vigor, and 20 into Endurance and Vitality. Everything else is 10 or under.

For more impressive Dark Souls 3 runs, YouTuber Lobos. Jr, who bested Bloodborne's hardest baddies without a weapon, recently completed Dark Souls 3 without using any healing items. Instead, he just relied on Bonfires alone to top up on HP.

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