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Watch Shuhei Yoshida talk Nuclear Throne PS4 date while eating a habanero pepper


Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida has seemingly confirmed a September release date for Nuclear Throne on PlayStation 4.

But you're not here for that. What you're here to see is Shu bravely managing to communicate the date while suffering from the effects of a very hot habanero chili.

Yoshida appears around halfway through an episode of Hot Pepper Gaming which was being recorded back at E3.

The episode features Vlambeer's Rami Ismail talking to Hot Pepper host Anthony Carboni about his developer's upcoming roguelike Nuclear Throne, which is currently available via Steam Early Access.

Both Ismail and Carboni are already suffering from the effects of the habanero by the time Yoshida arrives.

Skip to the 4:20 mark to see him join in:

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