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Watch: Johnny and Aoife kick-start our regular Wednesday streams with Overwatch

The cavalry's 'ere and they'll be live at 3:45pm.

Hello! This is weird. I'm writing a blog about a live stream but for once I'm not the one doing the actual streaming.

Today sees the start of our push to produce regular streams over on our YouTube channel. It's also a chance for the rest of the video team to get a piece of the sweet, sweet livestream action that I've been hogging these past few years.

Every Wednesday from now until the internet burns down, we'll be doing our best to bring you a livestream at around about 3:30pm. The presenters will change; sometimes it'll be the whole video team, sometimes, like today, it'll just be a couple of us. Sometimes, if we really have to, we might even invite some of the editorial team to join us. Oh, and of course, if the game permits it, we'd love to get you lot involved as well.

This doesn't mean that we'll stop streaming on the other days of the week though, far from it. We'll always aim to bring you the usual streams of new and unreleased games, but we'll be using the Wednesday streams as a chance to play some of our favourite games of the moment - or maybe even the past (live Late to the Party episodes, anyone?).

With that in mind, why not join Johnny and Aoife at 3:45pm for ninety minutes worth of Overwatch. A game that everyone plays without me because I'm the only one in the office who doesn't own it on PC. Sadface emoticon.


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For all the latest Overwatch hero, map and gameplay guides, visit our sister site MetaBomb

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