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Watch Hearthstone's resident record breaker smash two new challenges at once

"I am an expert of useless challenges in Hearthstone."

Hearthstone's new resident record breaker has returned to Twitch with a double challenge: for the most cards drawn in a turn and also the most fatigue damage.

Florian "Mamytwink" Henn, who last month engineered the longest-ever turn in Hearthstone's history, is streaming the new attempt now.

All being well, his record should end with a whopping 14,688 cards drawn in a single turn, and an incredible 107m points of fatigue damage.

Or, as was feared last time, the game could simply crash.

Mamytwink - self-proclaimed as "the expert of useless challenges in Hearthstone" - is using a method adapted from that of his previous record, but now rejigged to feature the basic card Acolyte of Pain.

This minion causes players to draw a card whenever it takes damage, and with the same ultra-long missile salvo as before allows for a huge number of cards to be drawn.

So many cards, in fact, that fatigue damage soon begins stacking up (a quickly escalating amount designed as a penalty for emptying your whole deck).

For those interested in the exact mechanics, Mamytwink has provided them - or there's more mathematical detail via this spreadsheet:

The record attempt is now well underway, and is due to finish today (Wednesday) around midday.

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