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Watch: Grief and video games

Low Batteries episode six.


Hopefully you'll remember Low Batteries, our series looking at mental health and video games; sorry it's been so long since the last instalment.

This latest episode is slightly different in that the subject, grief, is not actually a mental health disorder. It is, however, severe and common enough - both virtually and in real life - to warrant a look at how it's depicted in video games.

Be warned that the video below contains a fairly big spoiler for Life is Strange and a couple of minor ones for Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons.

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If you think you or someone you know may be suffering, please don't carry on in silence.

In the UK:

You can call the Rethink advice and information service on 0300 5000 927 (10am-1pm).

Also the Depression Alliance, a charity, has a network of self-help groups.

Samaritans offers a 24-hour confidential helpline: 116 123

In Australia:

You can contact the BeyondBlue support service in 1300 22 4636

In the US:

You can call the Crisis Call Center on 1-800-273-8255 at any time of the day.

If you're more comfortable talking via text than on the phone, offers an anonymous chat service.

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