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Watch Doom merged with God Hand in glorious mod video

Dragonkick your ass into... Mars?

Modder Edy Pagaza is working on a Doom mod that merges it with Capcom's 2006 PS2 classic beat-'em-up God Hand.

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While not yet available to download, Pagaza released a video showing a character (based on an early model of Dante apparently) blazing through a Doom level pummeling demons with their fists and feet like Gene in God Hand.

It keeps the intentionally wonky camera setup from God Hand and plays a midi version of its glorious theme song in the background.

So far there aren't a whole lot of moves available and the mod is not yet ready to download. But you can check out some of Pagaza's other classic game hybrids like Castlevania: Ninja Gaiden or the Duck Hunt / Duke Nukem crossover Duck Hunt Extreme.

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