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Watch: 90 minutes of Battlefield 1's closed alpha on PS4

All the apples you could wish for, live at 3:30pm.

Well, well, well, what a surprise. Yesterday, all coverage of Battlefield 1's closed alpha was locked up tight under a super strict NDA which prevented us from even talking about our experiences with it.

Then, late last night EA suddenly changed their minds, screwed the NDA up into a little ball, and punted it out of the window. "Fire at will" is what I like to imagine they shouted as they did so.

I've taken full advantage of this change of heart and have scheduled a 90 minute live stream of the PS4 version of the alpha for 3:30pm today.

So, if you fancy watching me test the death and respawn animations over and over (and over) again, I'll be doing just that in the little video player below.

See you in the trenches.

Watch on YouTube

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