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WAR's patch 1.2 previewed

New careers, zone domination, bug fixes.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Mythic's Mark Jacobs has posted on the VN boards with a preview of what to expect from Warhammer Online's next major patch, 1.2.

Patch 1.2 will go live on test servers next week, with a full release expected in March. Jacobs - answering criticism from players that the game's ambitious update plans might delay much-needed bug fixes - has dubbed it "the Bugs, Careers, RvR, Bugs, Items and Bugs Patch". Some 500 bugs will be fixed by 1.2, apparently.

The biggest new additions of the patch - and the first component of the recently-announced Call to Arms "live expansion" - will be the two new character careers, The Dwarf Slayer and Orc Choppa. They'll be introduced via the Bitter Rivals live event.

There will also be some global changes to fix class balance issues, as well as specific attention given to the Witch Elf, Witch Hunter, Chosen, Knight, Black Orc and Swordmaster careers.

In Realm-versus-Realm warfare a Zone Domination system will be added alongside improvements to siege weapons and something called the Rallying Cry, which we know nothing about as yet.

Itemisation, the polite word for loot, will get an overhaul with respect to most high-end dungeon and RvR rewards. In crafting, Apothecary's getting some much-needed attention, and the "Easy PQ" system which some of the co-op scenarios feasible with smaller groups is being extended across the entire game. There will also be a new PvP Scenario, and some UI, in-game mail, and performance improvements.

You can't say Mythic isn't working hard for your subscription. Visit the WAR gamepage for everything you need on the upstart MMO.

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