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Warhammer Online delayed again

MMO won't be out till autumn now.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Electronic Arts has announced that PC MMORPG Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning won't be released until the autumn.

News of the delay was revealed this morning by producer Jeff Hickman. He was speaking at a press conference in Paris attended by the editor of Eurogamer's brand new MMO channel.

It's not the first time the game's release date has been pushed back. Warhammer Online was originally due out in Q1 of this year, but that was shifted to Q2. At the time, EA Mythic boss Mark Jacobs said the delay would allow the studio to "invest additional time and effort in implementation and polish to make WAR great".

It seems even more investment is required, as Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning is now due for a "fall" release.

Expect a full report on how it's shaping up soon.

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