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Waking Mars on sale for $1.99 to celebrate Curiosity landing

Your move, Doom.

iOS explore-'em-up Waking Mars is on sale for $1.99 on iTunes to celebrate the landing of NASA's Curiosity rover on the surface of our crimson intergalactic neighbor last night.

Waking Mars is a "metroidvania" adventure game by Tiger Style, the studio behind Spider: The Secret of Bryce Manor.

Our John Bedford quite liked it and stated in his App of the Day write-up that if "you think mobile games are good for little else but meaningless time-killing, then Tiger Style's Waking Mars has a quietly compelling argument to make to the contrary."

Now the question is, will id step up to the challenge and put the Mars-based Doom on sale? And didn't that also have a guy with a mohawk? It seems like it should have at least.

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