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Video: Watch us play Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition from 4pm BST

And bag yourself a free copy by doing so.

The other day I found out there was an 8chan, which made us all wonder what happened to 5, 6 and 7chan - and whether there was any relation to Jackie Chan at all. What's all this got to do with today's livestream? Not much, beyond Jackie Chan being one of the stars of the Hong Kong movie scene that's been so influential to 2012's excellent Sleeping Dogs, and I've got to fill this space with some text because it looks weird if we just post the video. Oh, and did you know that Emma Stone's in the game? There, you can have that one for free.

Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition is the new, slightly shinier version for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One - it looks just like the PC version, basically - and Ian Higton will be streaming it from 4pm BST. And! He's got three Xbox One codes to give away to some of you that are kind enough to tune in.

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