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Video: The Swindle, Invisible, Inc. and the Need for Greed

Fortune and glory, kid.

Plenty of games take advantage of players being a little too greedy, but I've been especially impressed by the way in which The Swindle and Invisible, Inc. manage it. Both of these games feature an ominous countdown, warning of a challenging final mission on the horizon, and it's these countdowns that get inside your head.

In either game you can leave missions behind at any stage, with whatever loot you've grabbed so far, but I find myself rarely taking that sometimes obvious, sensible decision. Because I know that I'm working with a limited number of missions and because I know that I'm building towards a difficult finale, I want everything.

I'll admit, this isn't a particularly attractive trait to recognise in yourself, but I'm fascinated by the games that manage to exploit it. Join me below, as we explore why this works so well.

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