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Video: The journey of a cosplayer, part three

It's EGX London and the end of the line.

It's the third and final part of our cosplay journey with Laura Sindall, who's a pretty big deal around these parts.

We met her months ago when she'd only just begun work on her costume for EGX London, patiently recreating Escha from the Atelier series of games. But now the show has been and gone it's time to see how she did.

Was it a success - was she a convincing Escha? And why was Bertie wearing a plastic medal?

We also take a look at the many other people who decorated the halls of EGX with their costumes - thank you if that was you! And whoever made that Dark Souls costume for their young boy deserves an award.

I took a bunch of pictures, too, which I've popped in a gallery below.

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