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Video: The Final Fantasy VII scenes that probably won't reach the remake

Stored in the Cloud.

Folks way smarter and more well-adjusted than I have been able to temper their excitement over the upcoming Final Fantasy VII remake with the sobering realisation that the game will probably be a very, very long time coming, if indeed at all. And even if it does come - it could be rubbish. It could be totally devoid of spirit and imagination. It could pollute the very air of Midgar with Lightning DLC costumes for Tifa and Aerith; it could offer you 'it's-all-totally-optional' Limit Break weapon packs at £4.99 a pop. It could legitimately piss all over our collective childhoods, ruining our treasured memories of an all-time classic game. I should be more cynical, really, given the fact that I haven't really enjoyed a Final Fantasy title since 10.

But I'm sorry, I can't do that to eleven year-old me. Not yet, not after so many years of dreaming this remake into existence. Yes, it might be terrible, but that's precisely why I'm going to enjoy this time right now, a time when nothing is off the table and we can be excited and scared and cautiously optimistic all at once.

Actually, maybe some things are off the table. I mean, the original game was such a weird and wonderful melting pot of themes and ideas that it's hard to imagine it actually working under a HD magnifying glass. VII had a twisted sense of humour that's subsequently gotten lost in sequels like Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus, which side-stepped a lot of the more whimsical story elements of their predecessor and focused on the trendily grim and gritty. I hope Nomura and team don't make the same mistake with this one, but here are a couple of the scenes I fear may not make the final cut. It sucks, I know. Should you need comforting afterwards, here's the Cosmo Canyon theme. You're welcome.

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