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US shops date Duke Nukem Forever

February next year.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Gearbox shooter Duke Nukem Forever will be released in February, according to US shops.

Both Amazon and Gamestop have pegged the hotly anticipated FPS for a 1st February release (thanks Kotaku).

Gearbox labelled the dates "placeholder".

Last month 2K Games announced Borderlands creator Gearbox had assumed control of Duke Nukem Forever after more than a decade in development hell.

"We're in the polishing phase now," Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford said. "This is a game where we can not make a promise we can not fulfill. We need to get past the shock and awe and then we can go to all the retailers and first parties and work out a launch plan."

Original creator 3D Realms went bust in 2009 after working on Duke Nuken Forever for hundreds of years. Publisher Take-Two sued the developer for failing to deliver the game in a reasonable time frame. They settled in May.

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