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"Unethical" Langdell booted from IGDA

Edge Games meets the edge.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Infamous litigator Timothy Langdell has been booted from the International Game Developer Association for "lack of integrity" and "unethical behaviour".

Langdell resigned from the IGDA board of directors last August, having only secured his seat months earlier in March.

"The Board of Directors today voted to remove Tim Langdell from IGDA membership pursuant to our by laws Article III. Section 6 (b), which states that any member may be removed from membership if the member has demonstrated a lack of integrity or unethical behaviour, as determined by the Board of Directors," wrote IGDA chair Brian Robbins on the official blog.

Langdell's removal from the IGDA coincides with his courtroom loss to EA, which resulted in his cherished "edge" trademarks being stripped from him.

Timothy Langdell and his company Edge Games are best known for bringing about legal action on anyone using the word "edge" in relation to videogames. Future Publishing was targeted for the title of well-regarded magazine Edge; but the turning point was Langdell's pursuit of mobigame's Edge iPhone game and EA's Mirror's Edge.

Mobigame began an internet crusade against Langdell and publicised his questionable correspondence, and EA went on to bring the house down - turning the tables from courtroom prey to courtroom predator.

Eurogamer blew the Langdell saga wide open with Simon Parkin's thorough investigation of Langdell versus Mobigame last year.

A US court gave Langdell until today to phone companies he had previously harassed to tell them he no longer holds the edge trademark. What the repercussions will be, we do not know.

Incidentally, Eurogamer continues to reach out to Timothy Langdell for comment. But I have a feeling we might not hear back this time.

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