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Underworld Ascendant Kickstarter calls for $600K

Paul Neurath launches crowd-funding drive for PC RPG.

Ultima Underworld designer Paul Neurath has launched a Kickstarter for a new game in the series called Underworld Ascendant.

Neurath has set a $600,000 crowd-funding goal to complete the PC fantasy role-playing game.

With its 3D visuals and player-driven world, 1992 game Ultima Underworld is credited with influencing the likes of Thief, Deus Ex, BioShock and Skyrim.

It was developed by Looking Glass, the studio founded by Neurath that went on to make PC classics System Shock and Thief.

Underworld Ascendant is described as the next-gen sequel to both Ultima Underworld and Ultima Underworld 2. Neurath has joined forces with some of the developers behind the original Underworld games, such as designer Tim Stellmach, to form new independent studio Otherside Entertainment.

In the Kickstarter pitch video, below, there's some early prototype footage of Underworld Ascendant. It's around the 1m 30s mark.

Bertie interviewed Neurath for a feature on the designer's drive to revive the Underworld series.

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