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UK's wealthiest games developer revealed

Games industry has four representatives in this year's Rich List.

The wealthiest game developers in the UK are Andrew and Paul Gower, founders of RuneScape studio Jagex, according to the annual Sunday Times Rich List.

As reported by Develop, the pair are apparently worth £102 million. They were the games industry's top earners last year too, though their cash pile has shrunk a little over the last months - they were said to be worth £145 million in April 2011.

The UK games industry has two other representatives in the list. Jon Burton, the boss of LEGO studio Traveller's Tales, came in at 908th on the list with an estimated fortune of £80 million.

Rare founder Chris Stamper wasn't far behind, with an estimated £76 million. He left Rare back in 2007, five years after it was sold to Microsoft for £240 million, and now works outside the games industry.

Another noteworthy name on the list is Neil Taylor - the man who founded struggling retail chain GAME. He's the 406th richest man in the nation, worth around £189 million. He sold the company back in 1999, well before its recent financial difficulties.

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