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Two new Control games in the works

A multiplayer spin-off and "bigger-budget" title.

Control developer Remedy Entertainment has announced plans for two new titles in the series.

The first will be a multiplayer spin-off, currently titled Project Condor. The next will be "a bigger-budget Control game" which sounds further off.

Concept art for Condor shows a team of four players with a bagged-up enemy at their feet. Control franchise director Mikael Kasurinen said in a blog post that the image "tells pretty well what Condor is about".

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Kasurinen addressed expected fan "skepticism about multiplayer", and acknowledged Remedy was known for its single-player story experiences.

"I believe we can create shared experiences without compromising the unique DNA of who we are, or the stories we want to tell," Kasurinen said. "Yes, we need to rethink our angles, our techniques, our mindset, but we see it as an exciting challenge: What would a Remedy multiplayer game look like?

"We are approaching this with a mix of excitement and respect. We want to create something that is engaging, yet familiar, something any of our fans can jump into and feel at home in. Together."

Both Control projects are still a way off, and Kasurinen cautioned that it would be "a long time" before more was shown off.

In the meantime, Remedy is expected to return to its fan-favourite Alan Wake series, with two projects on the horizon. Leaks have suggested a remaster of the original game is in the works, followed by a long-awaited sequel.

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