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Trios of PSN games to be bundled on UMD

PSP packs to reach new audience.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Sony plans to offer trios of PSN games on UMD discs starting this October, ensuring PSP owners throughout the land can lay their mitts on previously download-only content.

Puzzle Pack, the first of these, is due mid-October and contains Lemmings, Go! Sudoku and Go! Puzzle. Our verdict, based on review averages: 6/10.

Following later that month will be the Power Pack, made up of flOw, Beats and Syphon Filter: Combat Ops.

We've only reviewed the science-inspired eat-'em-up flOw out of those, so musical button-matcher Beats and online multiplayer shooter Combat Ops will have to settle with an average-average of 7/10.

Sony, interestingly, makes no mention of the price. The Power Pack can be downloaded separately for GBP 17, whereas a full price UMD is likely to cost as much as GBP 24.99, or perhaps GBP 19.99. We're trying to find out more.

More trio-packs are planned for 2009.

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