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This Wild West Zelda mash-up is actually worth watching

A Fist Full of Rupees.

Nintendo's Legend of Zelda series is no stranger to YouTube productions, but this mash-up of Hyrule and the Wild West offers one of the best we've seen in a while.

A Fist Full of Rupees is a three-part web mini-series from TheGameStation. All three parts launched online last night.

Link, Zelda and Ganon are present, of course, as well as many familiar elements from the series. Ridiculous boomerang combat? Check. Health potions? Check. Navi's catchphrases? Happily not that annoying.

Zelda's classic orchestral themes have been given a gorgeous Western-inspired makeover, and the production even manages to keep Link as a silent protagonist.

A Fist Full of Rupees is split into a Triforce-inspired three parts - each are embedded below.

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