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Reckon your RPG is nerdy about realism? Get a load of Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Rotting food! 20 equipment slots! Clothing layers! More!

There's always one, isn't there, who takes it a step too far. Take most medieval role-playing games for instance, with their six inventory slots for equipment or thereabouts; not Kingdom Come: Deliverance - it has 20!

There are six body slots, four leg slots, four head slots, two jewellry slots and four weapon slots. No it's not because your characters in Kingdom Come are four-headed hydras - there's no fantasy or magic in the game remember - but because the game uses layers.

You see, in real life you don't just pop your pants on and then whack a load of plate armour over the top: you layer it up. On the bottom layer you have your undies, a long top and trousers, say, and then over the top of that you have your gambeson, a padded coat (I wore one of these when I went to Witcher School in Poland one weekend, as one does).

On top of that you put your chainmail shirt, and then it's over that you fasten your pieces of plate armour - maybe finishing with a fancy tabard or coat. Takes ages! Hence knights having squires to dress them. And it's expensive, hence knights the ones wearing it.

On your head, meanwhile, you put a cap to stop your chainmail hood - which runs down to your shoulders to prevent a touch of decapitation - tangling in your hair; then on top of that you put another padded hat before you squeeze everything into a plate helm.

It's because of all these layers Daniel Vavra, creative director of Kingdom Come, believes he's created one of the most complex and sophisticated clothing systems ever put in a game.

It's worth it just to see the poor guy get kicked and then hit with a mace.Watch on YouTube

Kingdom Come does not stop with realism there, however. It prides itself on historical accuracy. If you let your armour get too damaged and dirty, for instance, then shopkeepers and townsfolk may not trade with you, you scruffbag; you're far more likely to deal if you pop your fancy clothes on first.

Then there's food, which rots in your inventory if you leave it too long; or you get tired and find it harder to do things like negotiate if you don't rest. You can be poisoned via food, too, or poison others that way if you're feeling murderous.

These role-playing mechanics and customisation systems are discussed in the developer diary above, and they're in addition to a swordfighting system I believe is the most realistic I've come across in a game. Mind you, it was tricky to get to grips with when I tried it a few months ago, and I'm not sure how much fun I had. Then again, the game is now further on in terms of development.

Watch on YouTube

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a PC game with confirmed console ambitions, although it's not clear whether all versions will arrive together, or the PC version first. I expect the latter.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance was expected this summer but was recently delayed to 2017. But there's a Kingdom Come beta running now that you can join in with if you pledge towards the game's development.

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