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There's another fan attempt to remake Resident Evil 2

RE re-animated.

Another group of fans are attempting to remake Capcom survival horror classic Resident Evil 2.

The latest effort, dubbed Resident Evil 2: Reborn, is the work of Italian indie outfit Invader Games.

Reborn is being built using the Unity engine and will be released for free. The studio plans to release a playable alpha version for PC on 31st October - just in time for Halloween.

It's unclear from the trailer below exactly what state the game will be in, but videos of the project on the developer's YouTube channel date back almost a year - suggesting work has been underway for some time.

See how Resident Evil 2: Reborn looks in the footage below:

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Another fan attempt earlier this year used assets from the RE2 sections in on-rails Wii shooter Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles to try and remake Resident Evil 2 using Resident Evil 4-style gameplay.

It's unclear what Resident Evil publisher Capcom thinks of either remake. For its part, it is busy re-releasing the GameCube re-release of Resident Evil 1, soon to launch for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

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