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The wonderful Dungeons of Dredmor gains a patch and DLC expansion

Conquests of the Wizardlands, you have brought much.

Brilliant satirical, retro-looking, start-again-if-you-die, turn-based RPG Dungeons of Dredmor has been expanded upon, with Conquests of the Wizardlands DLC.

There's plenty stuffed within the £1.99 package, themed around drunk old wizardkings leaving powerful keys to their pocket dimensions in Dungeons of Dredmor.

In fact, you'll get to have your own pocket dimension (a kind of house), and you can decorate it as you wish.

Success equates to cosplay!

Wizardlands adds a Graffiti system, which sounds a bit like the blood messages in Demon's Souls/Dark Souls. You can leave messages for other players, either telling the truth or spinning a wild tale in order to kill them. And remember, dying means you start your adventure again.

There's a new Encrusting system for you to put crusts on your equipment with.

There are new Communism, Banksterism, Magical Law, Egyptian Magic, Paranormal Investigator and Tourist skill trees to learn.

There are mini-bosses, new monsters, a Diggle Hell, new music and "weird baffling, incredulous, powerful and just plain stupid" items.

It sounds as refreshing as the irreverent and fiendishly compelling Dungeons of Dredmor was. Our Christian Donlan labelled Dungeons of Dredmor "feelgood RPG gaming at its most authentic". "It's mean-spirited, dizzyingly deep, and snarkily nostalgic all at once," he wrote, " and those are just the skills and attributes I look for in a roguelike."

Best of all, buying Dungeons of Dredmor plus Realm of the Diggle Gods plus Conquests of the Wizardlands only costs £6.99.

Dungeons of Dredmor has also been heftily patched.

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