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The Witcher 3 continues to look incredible

UPDATE: now watch the VGX trailer in 1080p.

UPDATE: CD Projekt Red has released the stunning The Witcher 3 trailer unveiled at VGX, this time in glorious full high definition.

Make sure to pump the video, below, up to 1080p to catch a glimpse at the role-playing game as it will look when it releases in 2014.

The Polish developer also added a note about the music in the trailer. "Portions of the music in the game will focus on the raw emotion of traditional slavic instruments and songs to convey the brutality and violence of the world," CDP said.

"To achieve this goal the audio team has been recording using traditional and historic instruments with amazing bands like 'Percival', who are masters in this area, to achieve a truly authentic and powerful sound."

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ORIGINAL STORY: The VGX awards revealed a brief new The Witcher 3 video, which continues to look incredible.

The video, below, begins with some moody voice over before showing us the good stuff: incredible, fantasy next-gen graphics.

We see CD Projekt Red's open world, with series star Geralt riding a horse, trudging through a swampy area, and getting his hands dirty with some combat.

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