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The new Lionhead "more about lots of individuals"

Fable dev praises Peter Molyneux as "irreplaceable".

Fable Heroes lead designer Ted Timmins has described departed Lionhead figurehead Peter Molyneux as "irreplaceable" and a "total legend", and said "there's no one who can fill those shoes".

And so no one will - the new Lionhead will be about a creative collective.

"I've worked with Peter for eight years," Timmins told Eurogamer during a Fable Heroes interview.

"Ooh, ooh, and it's like puff - magic!"

"There's loads of us that came through that [work experience] program, and we've all learnt from people like Peter. Lionhead - yeah, I'm sure it'll be a bit of a different place without Peter around. But there's so many people that have learnt from Peter over the years that ultimately - all Lionhead has ever wanted to do was create great experiences. That won't change, that's still going to stay the same. And we all wish Peter the best of luck with his new place.

"I'm currently playing Draw Something with him at the moment, so we're all going to stay in touch. So it will be different, but we're still going to make great things, I'm sure.

"The new Lionhead is going to be more about lots of individuals."

Ted Timmins, lead designer, Fable Heroes

"The new Lionhead," he added, "is going to be more about lots of individuals, lots of creativity, lots of innovation from various different opinions. Peter is irreplaceable. He's inaugurated at BAFTA, he's a total legend in video games. There's no one who can fill those shoes. The new Lionhead is going to be able lots of people working together and creating great things."

Peter Molyneux's departure from Lionhead was announced on 7th March. He left to join new, small, independent video game developer 22 Cans.

Peter Molyneux's addressed the departure, former Lionhead employees have addressed the departure, but so far nothing other than a dry official statement has come from within Lionhead about his departure.

Fable Heroes arrives next week on Xbox Live Arcade, and Fable: The Journey - a Kinect game - arrives in September. Beyond that, Lionhead hasn't said what it's working on.

Xbox Live Arcade game Fable Heroes.

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