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The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing announced for PC, XBLA

Action RPG from King Arthur dev stakes out late 2012 release.

New action RPG The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing sinks its teeth into willing PC and Xbox Live Arcade patrons in late 2012, developer Neocore Games has announced.

Set in a parallel 19th Century where all manner of demonic creatures roam the earth, it follows the titular vampire hunter as he heads off to somewhere called Borgovia to dispatch various evil forces.

"Being located in Eastern Europe and having experience developing RPGs, Van Helsing is a natural fit for us; it's a project where we can demonstrate our expertise in both domains and create something novel that RPG fans can appreciate," said Neocore's Viktor Juhász.

"We've always enjoyed crafting games from legendary tales, but with our own twist, and Van Helsing provides us the perfect game world to experiment with."

No screens or video yet, but there's some rather handsome concept art to peruse above.

Manage your expectations though - Neocore's last release was the not terribly impressive RTS King Arthur 2, which picked up a 5/10 from Eurogamer earlier this year.

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