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The Eurogamer Podcast: Yep, it's about Pokémon Go

Plus Chris brings up XCOM 2 *again*.

Look, I know we've written a lot of articles about Pokémon Go over the last week, but honestly, you should see the traffic they're doing. This game is an absolute phenomenon. It's not just hugely popular, though, it's genuinely fascinating: a game like (almost) nothing you've seen before that's changing the way people behave online and in the real world.

So when we assembled to record a podcast after work yesterday, it was obvious what our main topic of conversation would be. Your regular host Chris Bratt was joined by myself and our new guides editor, Matthew Reynolds, who has actually been playing the thing, to chat about whether Pokémon Go is actually a good game, whether it's sinister or inspiring, what it means for Nintendo (even though it's not technically a Nintendo game), and what it means for the future of games themselves.

We also have a chat about what else we've been playing recently: Chris is still playing Overwatch and XCOM 2 (shock), while I've been enjoying The Witcher 3: A Year in Provence, or Blood and Wine, as the final expansion to CD Projekt's magnificent game is officially called. And of course we answer some of your questions.

Now excuse me while I march everyone back into the Pokémon news mines, whip in hand. For the search volume commands, and we must obey. (Speaking of which, readers and Google bots alike, please enjoy this handy link to our Pokémon Go guide.)

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