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The E3 2013 podcast special

Now in stereo!

Barely a day into the conference itself and E3's already offered up a heap of stupid, but it's also presented plenty besides. Microsoft and Sony's conferences provided the kind of drama we all really live for, while Ubisoft and EA provided the kind of insanity that's normally only in dreams. Yeah, I have really mundane dreams. And don't forget Nintendo, providing the kind of everyday disappointment that's become its stock of late.

The reliably irregular podcast is back to try and make some sense of it all, or at least try and help us to temporarily stave off the ill effects of sleep depravation. Sorry if some of that seeps through here.

Bertie Purchese is your host, and he's joined by Chris Donlan, Tom Phillips and Martin Robinson, which is me. Hope you, our dear regular listener, enjoy this - convince a friend to listen in and we may well get round to doing another in the near future.

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