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The craziest corner of the PS4 is being put to rest

Swimming against the Ustream.

What a cruel week it's been. Sony has just announced that the PlayStation 4 is to cease support of Ustream, the broadcast service that's been a part of Live from PlayStation since its launch. It's a truly sad day.

PlayStation 4 owners will no longer be able use the service to broadcast or stream from their consoles later this summer, Sony announced today. Other streaming services such as YouTube, Twitch and Dailymotion will still be available, but... Well, they're not quite the same.

Ustream has probably been my favourite little corner of the PlayStation 4 since it launched, offering an eccentric and often unpoliced window into people's lives via the PlayStation Camera and The Playroom. I've think I've spent as much time idly browsing broadcasts as I have in Destiny, so it's a feature that's going to be sorely missed.

What's so good about Ustream? I returned there this afternoon to start making my farewells, and was met with the usual carnival of brilliance.

First up, there's a Japanese woman eating mango in her living room, which is my idea of premium entertainment.

Then there's this French chap, in hastily assembled drag topped off by balloons for boobs who's passionately singing along to Nelly's Dilemma. I salute you, sir.

And then we have Carsten. The very melancholy Carsten, who's spending his Tuesday afternoon drinking a huge can of Monster energy drink while listening to mournful ballads on Spotify. You're a hero, Carsten.

Ustream support ends on PlayStation 4 on August 1st, and the world will be a sadder place without it.

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