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The Amazing Spider-Man's Stan Lee DLC comes out tomorrow

As do Rhino and mini-game add-ons.

A slew of new DLC for Beenox's The Amazing Spider-Man is slated for release tomorrow on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC, Activision has announced. It's out today in North America.

Chief among the new additions is the ability to play as Spider-Man creator Stan Lee as he inexplicably web-slings across Manhattan in a race to collect pages from his latest script. Activision promises a special surprise at the end of his mission to commemorate Spidey's 50th anniversary.

Elsewhere, there's the Rhino Challenge pack, which allows players to stampede through Manhattan in a timed challenge mode.

The Oscorp Search & Destroy Pack features a couple of mini-games on Spidey's smart phone, though does little in the way of explaining where on his persons he keeps a smart phone. One mini-game lets you control Oscorp's giant mechanical snake in what looks like a variation off the classic arcade game Snake, while another has you fending off foes by controlling a mechanical spider drone in what looks similar to Space Invaders.

And the Lizard Rampage Pack lets you wreak havoc as Dr. Connor's reptilian alter ego. Unfortunately this add-on isn't out yet in Europe despite appearing in North America today.

Each piece of standalone DLC costs 240 Microsoft Points or $2.99. In North America they can all be bundled together at the reduced price of $9.99, but that's sadly not an option in Europe where the Lizard Rampage Pack isn't out.

The Stan Lee parable

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