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Team17 has revealed a mysterious new game without telling us anything about it

...-- .---- ... - / -- .- -.-- / ..--- ----- ..--- ...--

Image credit: Team17

Team17 has unveiled a mysterious new project, Redacted.

Whether that's the game's final name or a placeholder we have no idea, as the press release itself is almost entirely redacted too, telling us only that someone – or something – in the game is "preparing for deployment".

[REDACTED] - Announce Teaser.Watch on YouTube

Thankfully, the accompanying cinematic video – albeit also entitled Redacted – gives us a little more information, intimating that the game is set during war time when the platoon was "out-manned and out-gunned".

However, a voiceover also explains that it's "the enemy's strength [that] blinds them" and "we" – whoever "we" are, of course – "are an army of shadows". Curiouser and curiouser.

Team17's press release is almost entirely redacted
Image credit: Team17

Team17 pops up again later in the video's comment section, adding the following in Morse code "...-- .---- ... - / -- .- -.-- / ..--- ----- ..--- ...--".

I'm reliably informed that this translates to a date – 31st May 2023 – which is likely when we'll get more information as that date is also given on the mysterious press release.

As always, we'll keep you posted and will hopefully have a little more to report sometime on Wednesday. Watch this space, eh?

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