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Talented Assassin's Creed free-runner dresses as Altaïr, takes a leap of faith

Holy landings.

One talented free-runner has been captured on camera doing a mighty fine impression of original assassin Altaïr, star of the first Assassin's Creed.

Prolific parkour performer Ronnie Shalvis was filmed by YouTube user Devin "Supertramp" Graham, having swapped the Crusades-era Holy Land for modern day urban America.

There's even hints of Assassin's Creed 3 too - at one point, Shalvis is seen climbing a tree.

The whole thing is smartly put together and well worth a watch. Unless Ubisoft eventually run out of historical time periods, it's the closest we'll get to a modern day Assassin's Creed.

Watch on YouTube

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