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Super R-Type and Op Wolf on VC

Can't we have some cartoon platformers?

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Have you done enough shooting this week? If not, you might be interested in this week's Virtual Console releases on Wii - Super R-Type and Operation Wolf.

The former is the SNES take on the ageing Irem shooter (and how we miss the days when every game began with "Super"), and Wikipedia reckons it's a bit hardcore and "the only non-canon release in the series".

It also says that Super R-Type's slowdown problem "is its most memorable feature", which doesn't sound like a recommendation to us. Not that we generally accept buying advice from a godless online encyclopaedia.

Were we inclined or otherwise, however, we'd have to throw down 800 Wii Points (GBP 6 / EUR 8 approx) as it's a SNES game, and that's the price you pay.

The price you pay for NES games, of which Operation Wolf is one, is 500 Wii Points or GBP 3.50 / EUR 5 approximately.

As is often the case, those crazy terrorists have taken hostages, and it's your job to save them by firing at the screen. It's not clear how this will actually work on the Wii from Nintendo's description, but we hope it involves running down an escalator and shooting someone seven times in the head for no reason.

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