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Super Meat Boy is leaping onto Switch

There will be blood.

Classic minimalist platformer Super Meat Boy is coming to Nintendo Switch.

Developer Team Meat teased an image of the port on Twitter.

When asked if this was the original game or the never released auto-runner mobile spin-off, Super Meat Boy Forever, the developer clarified that it's the former.

Perhaps this shouldn't be too surprising as creative lead and half of Team Meat, Edmund McMillen, already released his roguelike follow-up, The Binding of Isaac, on Switch. His recent platformer and SMB spiritual successor, The End is Nigh, is slated to receive a Switch version too.

Super Meat Boy originally launched on Xbox 360 in 2010 before receiving ports on PC, Mac, Linux, PS4, Vita, and Wii U.

We really liked it back in the day. "Super Meat Boy starts out as just another indie game that revels in driving you crazy, but you end up crazy in love," said former Eurogamer editor Tom Bramwell in his Super Meat Boy review.

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