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Steam expands beyond games in September

Because we have have a life outside of gaming.

Valve has announced its games distribution platform Steam will include non-gaming software as well beginning on 5th September.

While no specific programs have been announced at this time, Valve said on the Steam news page that "the Software titles coming to Steam range from creativity to productivity."

It added, "Many of the launch titles will take advantage of popular Steamworks features, such as easy installation, automatic updating, and the ability to save your work to your personal Steam Cloud space so your files may travel with you."

Valve noted that more software will trickle in following the September launch and developers are welcome to submit their software in the upcoming community voted on Steam Greenlight.

"The 40 million gamers frequenting Steam are interested in more than playing games," said Valve's Mark Richardson. "They have told us they would like to have more of their software on Steam, so this expansion is in response to those customer requests."

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