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Starhawk beta testers to get in-game rewards

Lightbox thanks participants with exclusive items.

All those who participated in Starhawk's recent beta run will be rewarded in the full retail version of the game with at least one exclusive item, developer Lightbox Interactive has announced.

As detailed on the PlayStation Blog, all beta testers get a one-off accessory for their character called Hand of the Founder.

"It's a gold, glowing, atom-looking thing that is bonded to your right hand," explained Lightbox president Dylan Jobe.

"It's intended to be a way to show off to your friends and everyone else online that you were one of Starhawk's founders. That you had a hand in its creation!"

Secondly, the Warhawk Paint Set offers two exclusive colour schemes for all your Starhawk vehicles. To access this you'll need to have taken part in the beta and also downloaded Warhawk from PSN at some point in the past.

You won't need to do anything to pick up the extras - the game will automatically detect whether you were in the beta or own Warhawk.

"Please note that this will be the only way you will receive these items, and they are intended to be very special 'thank you' items that will never be re-released or sold. This is the only way we can target you fans out there," explained Jobe.

The finished game is due out on PlayStation 3 from 9th May.

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