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Starfield Factions explained

Everything we currently know about Factions in Starfield.

starfield new atlantis
Image credit: Bethesda

There are multiple factions in Starfield, some factions are safe to wander in to as long as you don't cause trouble or aren't carrying anything they'd see as an issue. However, as humans have made themselves at home in space 280 years after first setting foot on Mars, there have been several factions that split away and some have become quite hostile.

The Bethesda action RPG Starfield lets you explore space after joining Constellation, a mythical group that's dubbed the 'last real space explorers'. You decide where you explore, you decide which planets you spend time on, basically you're in control.

Here's everything we know so far about factions in Starfield from the June 2023 Starfield Direct.

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Starfield Factions explained

In Starfield, humanity has settled in space but has split itself off into several different factions. Some factions are friendly and can be visited with minimum risk to yourself (provided that you don't cause trouble) and others are hostile from the moment you cross their paths.

Here's all of the information we've gathered so far on factions in Starfield through the June 2023 Starfield Direct.

United Colonies

The United Colonies capital is New Atlantis in Alpha Centauri, which is the first major human settlement in space. The United Colonies, or UC, think of themselves as the 'True Children of Earth' and they value Law, discipline and the legacy of humanity.

From the clips shown in the Direct, it's clear to see that the United Colonies have a very militarised feel to them. The faction values Law and discipline, which is why New Atlantis seems to be a safe haven if you play by the UC rules.

starfield united colonies soldiers saluting in uc hq new atlantis
Image credit: Bethesda

Due to the fact they look very regimented and strict about the rules in the Direct, it's safe to assume there are probably serious punishments for breaking them or if you try to stir up trouble. It also sounds like you may need to prove your loyalty and worthiness to the United Colonies to obtain a UC Citizenship (if you want it).

Freestar Collective

The Freestar Collective capital is Akila City in the Cheyenne System. At first glance, it definitely seems like the Freestar Collectives are essentially Space Cowboys, with Akila City echoing this idea with its Stoneroot Inn looking a lot like a saloon.

starfield stoneroot inn akila city freestar collective
Image credit: Bethesda

There are Freestar Rangers that are a part of the Freestar Collective, and they seem a lot like Sheriffs but it sounds like they may not be completely law abiding if an illegal decision will benefit the people more than a legal one.

Ryujin Industries

Ryujin Industries is one of the megacorporation that conducts business throughout the Settled Systems. You can find its headquarters on Neon - the perfect location for a company which doesn't mind bending ethics to get the job done. Ryujin deals in drones, weapons, ship manufacturing and sectors you really shouldn't know about.

If you're looking for some work experience, then get a job at Ryujin but, remember, don't ask too many questions. We've got a guide on the Ryujin Industries questline if you'd like to learn more.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda


The Va'Ruun are a hostile faction that is mentioned briefly a few times throughout the Direct and they seem to be a religious faction who seek to eliminate anyone who doesn't agree with their views. It's seen that the Serpent's Embrace trait can get you out of trouble with Va'Ruun.

starfield serpents head statue
Image credit: Bethesda


Now there's a bit of haze around this faction and their actual name, we do know that they reside in somewhere called the Red Mile on Porrima III.

The brief glimpse of them that we get in the Direct hints that they may be also be a group of Cyber Runners, which is a background option when you first create your character - which may mean that your time around this Faction could be easier if you have chosen it.

starfield red mile interior
Image credit: Bethesda

Crimson Fleet

The Crimson Fleet have their headquarters at a place called 'The Key' in the Kyrx System. They seem like they're the anti-United Colonies.

In their HQ you can see dilapidated UC signs, symbols, and the general decor hints that these may have once been members of the United Colonies that have chosen to turn their backs on them for a reason. The Crimson Fleet really do seem to hate the UC and they believe they should be running the Galaxy instead.

starfield crimson fleet uc sucks sign
Image credit: Bethesda

That's it on factions for now!

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