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Spider-Man 2 actor doesn't care if Peter Parker "looks like a goblin", so neither should we

It's an itsy bitsy issue.

Image credit: Insomniac

If you cast your minds back to 2020, you may recall Spider-Man being a hot topic of conversation. This was not because he had just used his web-tastic athleticism to save a school bus of children from careering off the side of the road, or swept MJ off her feet (literally) before kissing her while upside down.

Rather, he was a topic of conversation because Marvel's Spider-Man developer Insomniac Games remastered its original 2018 game for the PlayStation 5, and at the same time changed up the look of its unmasked hero, Peter Parker.

While Insomniac said this new model was a better reflection of actor Yuri Lowenthal's facial capture, it caused a certain amount of upset for fans of the original. In fact, when the PC version of Marvel's Spider-Man released last year, mods were made to bring Peter Parker's original face back into the game. But, perhaps we should all be less concerned about the two different facial models for Peter and move on. After all, that's what his actor wants. In fact, he just wants people to "get over it".

We've Played Marvel's Spider-Man 2 - New Details, Gameplay & Impressions.Watch on YouTube

Speaking with ComicBook, Lowenthal said he was "tired of talking" about that ol' facial switcheroo.

"The performance was the same for me. I got over it as soon as they said 'Hey, we wanna make this change so that the facial animation is better.' I said 'I'm all in!'," Lowenthal explained. "I don't care if he looks like a goblin, if my performance is better, then I'm in... I think everything that needs to be said has been said."

Lowenthal admitted that while some will take longer than others to get over it, and some may not get over it at all, there is at least one positive from that original reaction - the emotional connections people made with his character.

"People connected emotionally so hard and so deeply in the first game that they're mad when they feel that person changes... I can only be so mad about that because it worked, not the change thing, but you connected with the character which is great," he said.

He then added:"Now, get over it!"

Peter Parker in Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered
Peter Parker in Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered. | Image credit: Insomniac

For more on Spider-Man 2, our Aoife went hands on with the upcoming release earlier this month. You can read her thoughts so far on Insomniac's sequel here.

You can also watch it in video form via the embed above.

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