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Sony Online Entertainment back online

Sony MMOs begin restoration.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Sony Online Entertainment is back online, the MMO company has announced.

Games such as DC Universe Online, EverQuest and Free Realms should now be playable again.

"We are pleased to be back online and deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused by the recent data breach and subsequent outage," SOE said in a statement.

"To thank you all for your patience and understanding, we have prepared a Welcome Back Program that includes complimentary identity theft protection, free game time and special in-game items and events.

"Reminder: As an added security measure, we require a password reset for your Station Account - we recommend you do this immediately."

The compensation packages have been beefed for each SOE game fittingly, and now encompass in-game items, currency and Station Cash - as well as free game time (30 days free plus one extra for each day the SOE game has been offline).

SOE admitted on 2nd May that personal details from 24.6 million accounts had been compromised as the San Diego MMO maker suffered a security breach similar to the one that afflicted the PlayStation Network.

Sony tonight began the restoration of the PlayStation Network with the release of new firmware.

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