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Sony dismisses exclusive GTA 360 content

Reckons most people won't bother.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Sony has dismissed the exclusive episodic content for the Xbox 360 version of Grand Theft Auto IV, claiming that a "large percentage" of gamers will be unwilling to fork out for it - at least to start with.

Sony America marketing man Scott Steinberg believes there is more than enough content in the launch version to keep you occupied.

"Perhaps [Microsoft will be] shipping some episodic content in the fall, but there is a whole lot of product shipping on the PS3 in April and I personally don't think there's going to be a huge percentage of folks who [will] jump into downloadable content for another price when they're still playing through the core product," Scott Steinberg told GameDaily.

"So while I do think having that brand on their system was a move for them which they felt they needed to make because they cut a big cheque for it, I think PlayStation fans know the Grand Theft Auto experience on the PS2 is how they grew up playing Grand Theft Auto.

"When you combine GTA IV with MGS 4 and Gran Turismo 5 Prologue - all the exclusive content that we've got going forward - I think that goes from tipping point to shoving point for consumers who are on the fence," he added.

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