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Skate to debut on PC for the first time

Mouse wheel.

EA's Skate series will come to PC for the very first time via its upcoming new entry.

To date, Skate has stuck solidly to PlayStation and Xbox for its past main entries, with spin-offs also for mobile and Nintendo DS.

But, happily for PC owners, that will all change with the upcoming Skate 4, or Skate, or whatever it ends up being called.

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EA announced the game's PC version via Skate's official Twitter account last night.

Announced last June, EA's Skate revival - the fourth game in the series and the first instalment since 2010's Skate 3 - is being worked on by recently formed studio Full Circle, which counts original Skate creators Deran Chung and Cuz Parry among its number.

Development in still in its early stages - perhaps unsurprising, given that Full Circle only formally came into existence at the start of this year. For now though, enjoy this perfectly-pitched PC confirmation.

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