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Silicon Knights vs Epic lawsuit only worth $1

Long-running argument finally makes it to court.

Too Human developer Silicon Knights will only be eligible for $1 in damages if it wins its ongoing court case with Unreal Engine creator Epic Games.

As reported by Polygon, a North Carolina judge made the last minute ruling shortly before the trial commenced earlier this month.

Should Silicon Knights win, it will be able to appeal how the damages sum was determined, or decide to seek another recourse.

Silicon Knights' suit, which first reared its head back in 2007, accuses Epic of using revenue from licensing sales of its engine to fund Gears of War rather than make improvements to the engine itself.

It argued that the lack of support from Epic forced it to develop its own engine, resulting in development costs on Too Human shooting up.

Silicon Knights had sought a cut of the profits from Gears of War but the judge in the case ruled on the $1 sum after losing patience with the Canadian developer waiting for it to provide a detailed breakdown of its damages claim.

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