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Shenmue 3's latest development update shows off a grandma's face

That's a bit better.

Last month the developers of Shenmue 3 released a trailer for the game and the faces, well, they came in for a bit of stick.

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Now, Ys Net has published a new video showing off the progress it's made with facial animations.

The video comes across as a quickfire response to the vociferous debate sparked by Shenmue 3's gamescom trailer, which divided opinion. It includes a brief look at the face of a mystery grandma who's in the long-awaited sequel. Her face certainly looks more detailed than those in last month's trailer, and there's more to the way it moves and changes shape, too.

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Shenmue 3 was announced to many fans' surprise at Sony's E3 2015 press conference where original creator Yu Suzuki revealed the impending sequel as a primarily crowdfunded endeavour.

Publisher Deep Silver picked up the project, and it's currently set for release in the latter half of 2018.

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