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Sakaguchi's Terra Battle out this week

F2P strategy RPG on iOS and Android.

Terra Battle, the next game from Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi, launches on iOS and Android devices this Thursday, 9th October.

The free-to-download tactical role-playing game is developed by Lost Odyssey maker Mistwalker and scored by composer Nobuo Uematsu.

Of note: Terra Battle is free to download and there are in-app purchases. You can buy "Energy" from a cash shop or get it from regular gameplay progression, the developer said. You can use Energy to restore your in-game stamina, continue a difficult battle after defeat or unlock rare characters for your party.

The game also has an interesting business model. The more it's downloaded, the more content the developer will add. For example, 100,000 downloads scores new songs by Uematsu. 200,000 gets new characters by Final Fantasy 12 art director and Final Fantasy 9 character designer Hideo Minaba. These tiers go all the way up to 2m, which sparks development of a console version.

Gameplay video is below.

Watch on YouTube

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