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Report: Wii rules lounge, 360 bedroom

1% of all consoles are kept in kitchen.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Go into a console owner's lounge and you're most likely to find a Wii plugged into the TV, whereas their bedroom is more likely to house an Xbox 360, so says a new report.

According to a Nielsen survey released today, the Wii can be found in 59 per cent of all US living rooms that have consoles. Despite their more extensive home entertainment features, the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 lag behind at 45 and 42 per cent respectively.

It's a different picture in kids' bedrooms though. The Xbox 360 comes out on top there, found in 28 per cent of all console-owning households, followed by the PlayStation 3 on 16 per cent and the Wii on 14 per cent.

The living room was the most popular place to keep a console at 50 per cent of all homes surveyed, followed by the kids' bedroom at 19 per cent and the master bedroom at 10 per cent.

Strangely, one per cent of those questioned admitted to keeping their games console on the patio, and another one per cent in the kitchen. Horses for courses, eh?

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