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Reinventing the wheel

How Sonic Frontiers and God of War: Ragnarok make fascinating bedfellows.

Game of the Week goes out to all of our supporters as part of the Eurogamer Essentials newsletter, and from today we'll start putting it on the site. There's going to be a slight shake-up of the supporters program in the near future (don't worry - it's all good news) so stay tuned for more details, and thanks as ever for your support - it's much appreciated.

There's not too much common ground between God of War and Sonic the Hedgehog, of course (and if you're looking for a point of differentiation, the cool 22 points between the pair on Metacritic's as good a place as any to start) but as this week's two big releases they make fascinating bedfellows.

God of War: Ragnarok is the epitome of the modern blockbuster - big, bold and maybe a little bit bloated, it's nevertheless a powerhouse that shows the might of Sony's first-party studios. Is it a blockbuster that's overly iterative? Maybe, though I'd also suggest it might just be a blockbuster that's smart. The original God of War reboot was a colossal success, so offering more of the same is hardly cynical; indeed, the lingering complaint I've heard from people is that there's too much game there, and if anything it might have benefitted from being split into two separate titles (please don't let anyone at Sony get wind of this notion, as I'm sure they'd be delighted to charge twice too).

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